Workbench News


Workbench is now available on the GNOME nightly repository.

Please prefer Workbench from Flathub but if you're a GNOME contributor, Workbench nightly can come handy

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists gnome-nightly
flatpak install gnome-nightly re.sonny.Workbench.Devel

It is the first app on GitHub to be available on GNOME nightly. Thanks to Jordan Petridis and Bilal Elmoussaoui for the help.


I'm very happy to announce that as of yesterday we are mentoring 2 students on Workbench.

Angelo Verlain (aka vixalien) is a student from Kigali, Rwanda. Angelo is already a GNOME Foundation member and made significant contributions including an audio player app “Decibels” that is being incubated to join GNOME core apps.

Bharat Tyagi is a student from Jaipur, India. Bharat made great contributions to Workbench during the GSoC contribution period, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. You can read their introduction here.

Angelo is working on TypeScript support in Workbench and GNOME.

Bharat is working on porting remaining demos to Vala, redesigning the Library and add code search to it.

Very happy working with both of them